Zhu, Fangyuan (朱方圆)

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Research Scientist,

E-mail: 709704340@qq.com




My research interests include:

  • Machine Learning

  • Deep Learning

  • Recommender Systems

  • Computer Vision

Current work

  • Reinforcement Learning for Knee Osteoarthritis Prediction

  • Temporal Neural Network for Knee Osteoarthritis Prediction

  • Expert Neural Network for for Recommendation

  • Federal Learning for Recommendation

Under review

  1. W. Zhang, Y. Lin, Y. Liu, P. Wu, F. Lin*, and X. Zhou*, "Self-Supervised Reinforcement Learning for Knowledge-aware Recommendation".

  2. Y. Lin, W. Zhang, X. Zhou, F. Lin*, W. Zeng, L. Zou*, Y. Liu, P. Wu, "Knowledge-aware Reasoning with Self-supervised Reinforcement Learning for Explainable Recommendation in MOOCs".

  3. M. Chen, T. Ma, and X. Zhou*, "CoGraph: Co-occurrence Graph for Recommendation".

  4. M. Chen, and X. Zhou*, "Autoencoders for Drug-Target Interaction Prediction".

Recent publications

  1. M. Chen, T. Ma, and X. Zhou*, "CoCNN: Co-occurrence CNN for Recommendation", Expert Systems with Applications, Jun. 2022, 195, pp. 116595. (IF = 6.954) [pdf][code]

  2. M. Chen, Y. Li, X. Zhou*, "CoNet: Co-occurrence Neural Networks for Recommendation", Future Generation Computer Systems, Nov. 2021, 124, pp. 308-314. (IF = 7.187) [pdf][code]

  3. M. Chen, X. Zhou*, "DeepRank: Learning to Rank with Neural Networks for Recommendation", Knowledge-Based Systems, Dec. 2020, 209, pp. 106478. (IF = 8.038) [pdf][code]

  4. D. Chen, W. Hong, and X. Zhou*, "Transformer Network for Remaining Useful Life Prediction of Lithium-Ion Batteries", IEEE Access, 2022, 10, pp. 19621-19628. (IF = 3.367) [pdf][code]

  5. X. Wu, W. Zeng, F. Lin*, and X. Zhou, "NeuRank: Learning to Ranking with Neural Networks for Drug-Target Interaction Prediction", BMC Bioinformatics, Nov. 2021, 22, pp. 567. (IF = 3.024) [pdf][code]

  6. X. Zhou* and S. Wu, "Rating LDA Model for Collaborative Filtering", Knowledge-Based Systems, Oct. 2016, 110, pp. 135-143. (IF = 8.038) [pdf]

  7. K. Li, X. Zhou, F. Lin*, W. Zeng, B. Wang, and G. Alterovitz, "Sparse Online Collaborative Filtering with Dynamic Regularization", Information Sciences, Dec. 2019, 505, pp. 535-548. (IF = 6.795) [pdf]

  8. X. Zhou, W. Shu, F. Lin*, and B. Wang, "Confidence-Weighted Bias Model for Online Collaborative Filtering", Applied Soft Computing, Sep. 2018, 70, pp. 1042-1053. (IF = 6.725)

  9. K. Li, X. Zhou, F. Lin*, W. Zeng, and G. Alterovitz, "Deep Probabilistic Matrix Factorization Framework for Online Collaborative Filtering", IEEE Access, Mar. 2019, 7, pp. 56117-56128. (IF = 3.367)

  10. F. Lin, X. Zhou, and W. Zeng*, "Sparse Online Learning for Collaborative Filtering", International Journal of Computers Communications & Control, Apr. 2016, 11 (2), pp. 248-258. (IF = 2.093)

  11. S. Lu, H. Chen, X. Zhou, B. Wang, H. Wang*, and Q. Hong, "Graph-Based Collaborative Filtering with MLP", Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Dec. 2018, 2018, pp. 1-10. (IF = 1.305)

  12. X. Zhou, F. Lin*, L. Yang, J. Nie, Q. Tan, W. Zeng, and N. Zhang, "Load Balancing Prediction Method of Cloud Storage based on Analytic Hierarchy Process and Hybrid Hierarchical Genetic Algorithm", SpringerPlus, Nov. 2016, 5 (1), pp. 1989-2012. (IF = 1.780)

  13. X. Zhou*, and S. Wu, "The Biterm Author Topic in the Sentences Model for E-Mail Analysis", IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, Aug. 2017, E100.D (8), pp. 1852-1859. (IF = 0.449)

Note: * indicates the corresponding author.

Full list of publications in Google Scholar.

Academic service


  • IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics

  • IEEE Access

  • ACM Transactions on Knowledge Discovery from Data

  • Mathematical Problems in Engineering

More details in Publons


  1. Advertising Platform Development, 01.2022-Present

    • Provide advertising strategies and solutions for advertisers to maximize revenue

    • Provide automated advertising instead of manual selection

    • Use users' history information to build their profiles, and then select the target users

  2. Campus Recommender System, 03.2021-12.2021

    • Built user profiles based on the data crawled from websites

    • Recommended information, such as courses from MOOC, and publications from Arxiv, to students

    • Recommended information from within and outside the university based on faculty research, courses taught, and interests

  3. Online Education Explainable Recommender System, NSFC, 06.2018-12.2018

    • Summarized over 500,000 exercises and classified their knowledge points from all subjects

    • Applied matrix factorization for online learning and recommendation of exercises based on interaction of users

    • Added latent features learned by neural networks from exercises to online matrix factorization for better performance

  4. Development of Memorizing Words APP, 06.2017-02.2018

    • Extracted the records of memorizing words of over 100,000 users from a database

    • Counted the pairs of error words with the co-occurrence rate to obtain a co-occurrence table

    • Provided words, along with situation pictures, to enhance memory and showed co-occurrence words from a table

  5. Analysis of Film Review from Douban.com, 09.2016-03.2017

    • Crawled film reviews and ratings from websites

    • Segmented words and cleaned and processed texts

    • Added features learned by neural networks to matrix factorization to predict movie's ratings

  6. Topics Analysis on Weibo, 05.2015-02.2016

    • Crawled Weibo messages from websites

    • Segmented words, cleaned and processed texts, converted the data for storage and analytics

    • Built a topic model LDA by C and applied it to obtain topics of Weibo for discovering hot events

  7. Email-Based User Relationship Analysis, 10.2014-02.2015

    • Cleaned and processed the contents of over 100,000 emails to obtain message bodies

    • Built an author-topic model with biterm pattern by C

    • Used model to identify relationships between users based on communication contents

  8. Smart Home System, 03.2011-02.2012

    • Designed and built a hardware system including PCB, sensors, and single-chip microcomputer

    • Developed a program of single-chip microcomputer with language C to realize the function of the system

    • Developed a human-computer interaction software with C# for signal reception, processing, and transmission


M.E., Pattern Recognition and Intelligent Systems, Xiamen University, 06.2016

  • Awards: Principal Level Scholarship (1st in admission)

  • Main Courses: Machine Learning, Design of Neural Networks, Digital Image Processing, Time Series Analysis, Pattern Recognition, Data Mining and Its Application, Artificial Intelligent: Theory and Application, Recommender System.

B.E., Automation, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, 06.2012

  • Main Courses: C Programming, Embedded Systems, Computer Network and Communication, Computer Control System.

Competitions and awards

  1. First-Class Scholarship, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, 10.2011

  2. National Encouragement Scholarship, 12.2011 & 12.2010

  3. The 2nd Prize in the National Advanced Mathematics Contest for Undergraduates (Zhejiang), 12.2011

  4. The 2nd Prize in the Zhejiang Advanced Mathematics Contest for Undergraduates, 04.2011

  5. The 3rd Prize in the Zhejiang Advanced Mathematics Contest for Undergraduates, 10.2009 & 04.2010

  6. The 3rd Prize in the Zhejiang Physics Contest for Undergraduates, 12.2009 & 12.2010

  7. The 1st Prize in the Electronics Design Contests, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, 12.2010


  1. Teaching Assistant, Xiamen University, 09.2013-01.2014

    • Guided freshmen in the subjects of Advanced Mathematics and Programming C and taught some learning skills

  2. Assistant Mentor, Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, 09.2010-06.2011

    • Led freshmen to adapt quickly to their new environment and helped them solve their study problems

  3. Journalist, Press Corps of Zhejiang University of Science and Technology, 12.2008-06.2011

    • Conducted face-to-face interviews, wrote news articles, which received positive audience responses

  4. Founder and Editor in Chief, Say Ourselves, E-magazine, 12.2009-08.2011

    • Created a monthly e-magazine about college life

Work experience

  1. Research Scientist, AI Research Institute, Hithink RoyalFlush, 06.2019-Present

    • Research the newest machine learning algorithms and recommender system technology on stocks and hot news

    • Apply neural network models to drug-target interaction prediction and evaluate the performance

    • Publish papers and apply for relevant patents for the corporation

    • Give lessons on Artificial Intelligence and Recommender Systems to the staff

  2. Research Assistant, Big Data Lab, Xiamen University, 09.2016-02.2019

    • Instructed two undergraduate and three graduate students in scientific research

    • Tracked, studied, reproduced, and improved up-to-date machine learning methods

    • Published papers on machine learning and recommender systems

  3. Software Engineer, Dragon SOFT, 07.2013-06.2014

    • Developed an electronic target practice system for security guards’ shooting training

    • Recorded the track of users’ shooting behavior from sensors in a database

    • Built a model analyzing users’ shooting behavior concerning speed, acceleration and number of cylinders

  4. Assistant Engineer, Gold Electronic, 03.2012-07.2012

    • Cooperated with motor companies, such as Zotye and BYD, on battery management system development

    • Developed a testing and analytics platform for performance of a lithium battery with C# (real-time data)

    • Used CAN bus to collect working data of batteries and analyzed the data for balance power

A brief cv.